Asheville Charter Bus Rental Service

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The most affordable way to rent a Charter Bus in Asheville

One of the best charter bus and minibus providers in Asheville. Our rates are comparatively cheap. Contact us today by calling 1-877-277-6678 to get the best rate for Deluxe Motor Coach, Mini Bus, School Bus, Party Bus, Limousines, Van and more... for any of your charter bus events.

Unlock Asheville's Charm with Prompt Charters: Your Guide to Seamless Group Travel

Are you gearing up for a group adventure to Asheville, North Carolina? Brace yourself for a journey filled with captivating sights, rich culture, and boundless adventures! Embark on this expedition stress-free with Prompt Charters' top-notch charter bus service, ensuring a seamless travel experience for you and your companions. Dive into the essence of Asheville with us, as we explore its prominent tourist attractions, thrilling charter bus events, and diverse charter bus options tailored to your needs.


Tourist Attractions:

Asheville, nestled amidst the majestic Blue Ridge Mountains, beckons with a plethora of captivating attractions catering to every taste. Nature enthusiasts can bask in the splendor of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park or embark on exhilarating hikes along the iconic Appalachian Trail. For a taste of history and opulence, a visit to the magnificent Biltmore Estate, America's largest privately-owned home, is a must.

Delve into Asheville's vibrant culture by strolling through the eclectic River Arts District, where creativity thrives in the form of art galleries and studios. The downtown area pulsates with energy, offering a treasure trove of boutique shops, farm-to-table eateries, and lively entertainment venues. Whether you're exploring the serene Botanical Gardens at Asheville or admiring the panoramic views from the iconic Blue Ridge Parkway, Asheville promises an unforgettable experience for all.


Charter Bus Events:

Asheville hosts a myriad of captivating events year-round, ensuring there's never a dull moment for visitors. From the renowned Asheville Beer Week, celebrating the city's craft beer culture, to the electrifying LEAF Festival, where music and arts converge in harmony, there's something for everyone to revel in. Foodies can indulge in culinary delights at the Asheville Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival, while outdoor enthusiasts can partake in the Asheville Marathon & Half Marathon amidst scenic landscapes.

Navigating through these exciting events is made effortless with Prompt Charters' reliable charter bus service. Our professional drivers will whisk you to your desired destinations with ease, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in the festivities without worrying about transportation logistics.


Charter Bus Types:

At Prompt Charters, we understand that every group has unique preferences and requirements when it comes to transportation. That's why we offer a diverse range of charter bus options to cater to your specific needs. Whether you're traveling with a small group or a large entourage, our fleet of deluxe motorcoaches, cozy mini buses, and stylish sprinter vans ensures comfort, safety, and convenience throughout your journey.

With Prompt Charters' dedicated customer service and attention to detail, your Asheville excursion is poised to be an unparalleled adventure. Contact us today at 1-877-277-6678 to book your charter bus service and embark on a memorable voyage through Asheville's enchanting landscapes and vibrant culture. Let Prompt Charters be your trusted companion in unlocking the charm of Asheville, one destination at a tim


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Charter Bus, Minibus and School Bus Prices in Asheville

# Bus Type Passengers Luggage Hourly Min Hrs State Cross
1 Charter Bus
charter bus
57 55 $188 5
2 Mini Bus
Mini bus
25 7 $173 5
3 School Bus
School bus
48 $143 6


mini bus executive

Mini Bus 15-37 Passengers

coach bus

Coach Bus 47-61 Passengers

school bus

School Bus

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